Saturday, August 05, 2006

Update: Typhoon Glenda

Well, as I was getting soaked in Seoul from the remnants of Typhoon Glenda, the North was fairing much worse. At least 150 people have died, but more daunting than this, perhaps, are the North Korean officials who don't seem to have any idea what they are doing--and the looming food shortages.

Well, so much for just talking about the weather. Everything here, it seems, gets political.

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Blogger Sophie said...

Brian you crazy jerk. I am so excited for you! And how happy was I to see a picture of dear Osaka-jo on your blog. Almost as excited as I was to see my grandparent`s stucco in your profile picture. Welcome to Asia! Please teach me about Korea and I will inform you abotu Japan, insofar as possible. Aparantly we are both victims of a biased media...

August 05, 2006  
Blogger cor de pitanga said...

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August 06, 2006  
Blogger cor de pitanga said...

Hey you guys seems to be having a great time in Asia. Wait for me China! or should i say? China here I come! (i hv my arms extended in front of me likeFred flintstone on those old flintstone cartoon.)

August 06, 2006  
Blogger Sophie said...

Mae! Are you trying to tell me you are moving to China? Is this how you break it to me? On someone else's blog? gargalhadas.

August 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo man.

I am glad you are using the internet these days. I will be one of your "avid readers" for sure. Glad you are not homesick and are getting along well in K-town.

Sorry I missed out on your last nights in NY, I was unable to hang. But again it's good to read the thoughts.


August 12, 2006  

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