Hello World!
Dear reader:
This blog will be an attempt to keep track of my own thoughts--but I will not post anything that I do not think will be of general interest. Also, since I will be moving to Bucheon, Korea (outside of Seoul) in two weeks, and since a blog is de rigeur for the expat community, I thought I should have one. I will record my views on politics, literature, and philosophy, as well as link to or point out sites and articles that I find interesting or worthwhile.
Responses are always welcome. I'll write more soon...
This blog will be an attempt to keep track of my own thoughts--but I will not post anything that I do not think will be of general interest. Also, since I will be moving to Bucheon, Korea (outside of Seoul) in two weeks, and since a blog is de rigeur for the expat community, I thought I should have one. I will record my views on politics, literature, and philosophy, as well as link to or point out sites and articles that I find interesting or worthwhile.
Responses are always welcome. I'll write more soon...
Can't wait for more! Keep in touch! ~K
Whew! Am I ever learning a lot from Kelly today at the library. I shall check my e mail at regular intervals. Good luck, Brian dear, in SK. You are in my prayers. I love you. Grandma
Whew! Am I ever learning a lot from Kelly today at the library. I shall check my e mail at regular intervals. Good luck, Brian dear, in SK. You are in my prayers. I love you. Grandma
Hey, Bri, this looks great! Am eager to read your new postings on apt., job, etc. Love, M.
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