Friday, June 27, 2008

More thoughts on vigils

There is another protest planned for this Saturday at Kwang Hwa Mun in Seoul. The flier claims that 5 million people will be present. I may check it out.

Here, also, is a nice article on the level and variety of anti-American sentiment displayed at these protests. The old anti-dictatorship protests in Korea, to which this new generation of demonstrations is constantly compared, were virulently anti-American because of the continued presence of U.S. troops in Korea and the perceived roll the U.S. military played in dividing the country and in propping up the dictatorship. The current protests are different. According to the article, the current anti-American sentiment, insofar as it exists, is "practical" and issue-specific. People blame the U.S. for attempting to force beef back into Korea and other such things, but they do not seem to be rolling these all into a single anti-American hatred.

More to come.

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